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LuminoKrom® photoluminescent road marking development

Map of the LuminoKrom Road Marking – OliKrom©At the end of 2020, more than 30 sites were equipped with LuminoKrom®, and other applications are planned for early spring. All the feedback from the communities is convergent: the contribution of LuminoKrom® markings to users is real and important.

The public utility survey carried out in early 2020 by the City of Annecy following the implementation of LuminoKrom® on a cycle path confirms these feelings:


  • 87% of users consider the LuminoKrom® marking useful or even essential
  • 78% want it to be deployed on other avenues


These projects also made it possible to confirm the simplicity of application of the paint as well as its performance, which remains identical whatever the environments and meteorological contexts.

LuminoKrom® is the only photoluminescent paint on the market which presents + 2 years of technology perspective. Since 2018, many communities have embraced this innovation. Cycle paths, pedestrian paths, locks, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, etc. are equipped with luminescent markings and light up night after night, relentlessly, with the same intensity, always renewed. These achievements have educated us on the most relevant practices with regard to the performance of luminescent paint LuminoKrom® and open up new uses for this autonomous luminous signage, using renewable energy, more economical and more eco-sustainable.


An accelerated deployment based on user satisfaction

This photoluminescent marking is easily deposited with an airless machine (small vehicle with spray): a first coat of white paint to avoid a loss of radiation in the bitumen then a layer of photoluminescent paint. In comparison, the installation of public lighting in the form of masts or studs in the ground requires structural work, trenches, the establishment of an electrical network.

Today there is a Map of France which lists all the cycle paths, pedestrian paths, accident-prone areas today secured with photoluminescent paint. We would like to thank all these communities here who placed their trust in us and allowed us to put our scientific skills at the service of collective security. LuminoKrom® luminescent paint is now deployed throughout France and is starting to attract our European neighbors.



You have a project, questions? Our team is at your service.