Home | All LuminoKrom® news (Page 4) All LuminoKrom® news Filter articles: Why cycle paths with LuminoKrom® are appreciated by users? When there is a significant lack of light, cyclists quickly find themselves in a very unsafe situation. Fear of the dark is very common, and night-time mobility becomes […] Access the article LuminoKrom® at the event Velo-City 2023 The European Velo-City exhibition takes place each year in a different city. The international event for cycling and soft mobility is organized by the ECF, the European Cyclists’ […] Access the article LuminoKrom® on the 771 departmental road in France On May 2nd, a photoluminescent road marking experiment began on the departmental road 771 in Loire-Atlantique, in France. The main objective is to improve the safety of users […] Access the article The use of LuminoKrom® improves road safety in Burundi The deployment of LuminoKrom® internationally LuminoKrom® photoluminescent paint has been used to secure more than 100 greenways or bicycle paths in 2022 throughout France. The technology has also […] Access the article LuminoKrom® used at Terra Botanica, plant park in Europe When night falls, visitors to the Parc Terra Botanica in Angers can now extend their visit with the new Terra Nocta night-time show. They’ll be treated to a […] Access the article Light pollution: causes and how to reduce it Water, air and soil pollution are now well recognized as major problems for our planet’s biodiversity and our health. There’s another type of inconvenience that’s just as harmful […] Access the article LuminoKrom®, the most environmentally friendly illuminated signage Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of LuminoKrom paint In order to help local authorities in their decisions related to the energy management of outdoor lighting, LuminoKrom® has chosen to […] Access the article Luminescent road markings to support the development of cycling How can we make cycling safer, as it is expected to increase by 2030? Cycling trips are increasing every year Environmental issues, infrastructure development policies and cycling […] Access the article First LuminoKrom® luminescent road marking in Switzerland First LuminoKrom® deposit in Switzerland In the Chablais region of the Canton of Valais, a 1km stretch of a cycle path was marked with our luminescent road paint. […] Access the article