LuminoKrom®, photoluminescent road paint

Peinture routière qui brille la nuit

Range of high-performance glow in the dark paints for road safety and street markings


Would you like to improve visibility and safety on the highway in the darkness?

LuminoKrom® is an innovative road marking technology that uses photoluminescent properties to improve streets experience, particularly at nighttime.

Depending on the environment and its use in non-trafficked zones (such as kerbs, parking lots and traffic islands) and trafficked zones (such as streets and freeways), our teams will advise you on the appropriate luminescent paint and approach.


Three ranges of glow in the dark products

Icone milieu urbain

White Urban Paint

A white solvent-based luminescent paint. It is designed to secure singular points in urban environments. It can be applied to road markings on the ground or street furniture.

Icone route

White Retro-Reflective products

White solvent-based retro-reflective glow in the dark paints. It is designed for high-performance road markings and ensures a high level of luminescence day and night.

Pictogramme Piéton

White two component coating

A white, two-component luminous cold coating. Applied with a coating knife, this range is designed to secure high-traffic sections such as crosswalks in urban environments.

Roadway development

Types of markings for non-traffic zones

The use of glow in the dark lines can be particularly effective for marking concrete kerbs, notably to improve the visibility of streets and urban infrastructures in low-light conditions.

Improved nighttime mobility

Bordures de trottoirs lumineuses de nuit

Curb line

Glowing products can be applied to curbs to make them more visible in the darkness. This is particularly useful in locations where street lighting is inadequate or absent. Kerbs marked in this way can prevent walking or driving accidents, such as falls or collisions with vehicles.

Bordure séparation domaine routier

Traffic island delineation

In urban environments where concrete traffic islands are used to channel traffic or protect pedestrians, applying LuminoKrom® to these kerbs can improve their apparearance and reduce the risk of accidents, especially in the darkness.

Bordure trottoir luminescente de nuit

Play and leisure areas

Around children's play zones or sports fields, concrete kerbs marked with glow in the dark products are more visible, especially when children are playing late in the evening.

Parks and public spaces

In parks, public gardens and other non-traffic zones, concrete kerbs can be signalized and marked with LuminoKrom® luminous products to prevent falls or accidents.

Ligne pointillés décoration

Securing parking areas

Marquage luminescent parking

Parking curb

In parking lots, concrete curbs can be marked with glowing products to guide drivers to parking spaces and prevent damage to vehicles caused by collisions. Luminescence improves experience and thus alertness in poor luminous conditions.

Passage piéton lumineux

Pedestrian crossings in parking lots

Pedestrian crossings near concrete curbs on private sites can also be marked with LuminoKrom® luminescent products. Luminescence improves visibility and thus alertness in poor lighting conditions.

Marquage luminescent nuit bordures parc

Rest area

LuminoKrom® can be applied to footpaths and walkways in the rest area to guide users in the absence of street lights. This is particularly useful in large rest zones where distances between service areas can be considerable.

Ligne pointillés décoration

Vertical signs

Bordure lumineuse sur route

Sharp bends and dangerous intersections

Concrete kerbs at sharp bends or dangerous intersections can be marked to warn drivers to slow down. This on-ground signage, visible in the darkness, helps reduce the risk of running off the highway.

Bordure dangereuse signalisée avec peinture lumienscente

Barriers and protective walls

In industrial environment or on high-traffic roads, concrete kerbs used as protection barriers can be marked to improve obstacle presence and prevent collisions.

Ligne pointillés décoration

Specific applications in public infrastructures

marquage dans résidence privée

Residential landscaping

In residential places, photolumienscence can be used to mark the concrete curbs of sidewalks, driveways and garage entrances, providing security for residents, especially children and the elderly.

bordure luminescente la nuit

School infrastructure

Concrete curbs around schools can be marked with LuminoKrom® to protect children by ensuring that traffic and play areas are clearly demarcated and visible at all times.

Ligne pointillés décoration

Aesthetics and functionality

Fresque murale artistique lumineuse

Urban design

Glowing beacons can be used in urban design projects to create patterns or lines on concrete kerbs, adding an aesthetic dimension to functionality. This can be particularly interesting for urban redevelopment projects where aesthetics are as important as safety.

marquage luminescent obstacle

Improved signage

By integrating LuminoKrom® photoluminescence into concrete kerbs, municipalities can improve local signage without the need to install new signs or street lamps on the territory, offering an ecological and economical solution.

LuminoKrom®, luminescent marking for traffic zones

With the agreement of the public authorities*, experiments are currently being carried out in France in accident-prone zones such as intersections, bends, crosswalks, etc.

These projects are governed by experimental protocols under the aegis of CEREMA. The aim is to validate and quantify the contribution of LuminoKrom® luminescent paints in terms of traffic security in places where there is no public lighs.

If your municipality is interested in carrying out an experiment on roads with traffic? Contact our teams

Experimental objectives

Icone visibilité

Improving traffic safety

The main aim of the experiments is to assess how
photoluminescence contributes to the protection
of users, notably through improved nighttime
visibility of markings on the floor.

Icone sécurité

Analyze experience in real-life conditions

Road tests are used to check
how paint behaves in low light conditions,
after the sunset and in bad weather

What about road paint certification?

Since 2019, our products have been part of the certification process under the aegis of ASCQUER (Association pour la Certification et la Qualification des Équipements de la Route) and CEREMA (Centre d'Études et d'Expertise sur les Risques, l'Environnement, la Mobilité et l'Aménagement). Various deposits were made on the Route Nationale 2 (RN2) in the Oise department (France). Extremely rigorous tests were carried out to assess performance in terms of visibility, durability, weather resistance and effectiveness in real traffic conditions...

Our urban white reference awaits "right to use": To date, our photoluminescent white paint meets all the technical requirements for urban marking certification. Our team is waiting for the right of use to be issued.

Experimentation on the Route de Saint-Pandelon 

Context: Saint-Pandelon is a commune in the Landes region of France. The route in question crosses a countryside area where nigh-time mobility is often limited due to the absence or scarcity of public lighting. LuminoKrom® was applied to several sections of the route, particularly in critical locations such as bends, where the risk of accidents is higher due to poor nighttime conditions.

  • If long-term results confirm the benefits observed in this test, it is likely that our luminescent products will be used on other rural roads in France.

Integration into wider international projects: LuminoKrom®, the glow in the dark products developed in France, have also attracted interest internationally, notably in Malaysia, where authorities and construction companies are exploring innovative solutions to improve traffic security. Malaysia, like many developing countries, faces significant challenges in securing rural roads and environment with limited street lights.


LuminoKrom®, a contribution to autonomous cars

icone voiture autonome

LuminoKrom®, with its photoluminescent properties, can bring significant benefits to the development and operation of autonomous cars. It is a valuable contribution to the autonomous car ecosystem, improving the appearance of directional lines on the flow, making driving safer after the sunset and in difficult conditions, and supporting the efficiency of detection systems and autonomous driving algorithms. This could play a key role in the development and widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles.

Improving the visibility of highway lines

  • Increased detection by sensors: Autonomous vehicles rely heavily on sensors, cameras and lidar systems to navigate the streets. Photoluminescent products are more visible in darkness and low-light conditions, making them easier to detect by the on-board vision systems of autonomous vehicles.
  • Adaptation to adverse weather conditions: LuminoKrom® photoluminescent ground signage can also improve lane appearance in adverse weather conditions, such as fog or rain, which can interfere with conventional sensors.
  • Increased passenger confidence: Passengers in autonomous car can feel safer and more confident when they see that the road markings are clearly visible and that the vehicle is following the lane steadily, even in the dark.

Lire la suite

Optimizing autonomous driving algorithms

  • Better recognition of lines: LuminoKrom® offers more uniform and consistent marking quality, making it easier for autonomous driving algorithms to recognize lane lines. This can improve the efficiency of lane-following and decision-making algorithms.
  • Support for mapping systems: High-definition mapping systems used by autonomous cars can integrate photoluminescent products to create more accurate and reliable maps, particularly in dark environments
  • Support for pilot programs: Streets equipped with LuminoKrom® products can be used as test sites for autonomous car, enabling manufacturers to validate their systems in conditions optimized for nighttime mobility.


Reduced dependence on street lights infrastructure

  • Less need for street lighting: With LuminoKrom® , lanes can be made more visible without increasing dependence on street lights, which is advantageous for autonomous cars driving in the countryside or on poorly lit roads.
  • Energy savings: Reducing the amount of street lamps required saves energy, contributing to a more sustainable infrastructure.


Recognized and accredited technological innovation

Our innovative glow in the dark products have received several important awards for its innovation in termes of traffic security and sustainable infrastructure.

logo prix innovation sécurité routière

Prix de l'Innovation Sécurité Routière

In 2020, LuminoKrom® was nominated for the Prix de l'Innovation Sécurité Routière, organized by the French Ministry of the Interior. This award highlights technologies and initiatives that contribute to traffic safety.

Lire la suite

This nomination highlighted LuminoKrom®'s potential to reduce accidents by improving the nighttime visibility of glowing products, particularly in poorly lit areas.


logo cerema

"Routes et Rues " certification

LuminoKrom® has been certified by the "Routes et Rues" program in 2019. This program aims to promote innovative solutions to improve the safety, sustainability and efficiency of highway and urban infrastructures in France.

Lire la suite

This label was an official recognition of LuminoKrom®'s ability to meet the challenges of traffic security, in particular by offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional street lamps.


logo ademe

ADEME "Route du Futur" program

In 2016, Eiffage launched the "Route du Future" program as part of the i-Street project.  This initiative aims to develop sustainable traffic infrastructures and respond to the contemporary challenges of mobility, safety and ecological transition.

Lire la suite

One of the technology bricks in the i-Street program is the photoluminescent product, designed to improve safety by making paintwork visible in the dark without the need for additional public lighting.


logo coq vert

Ecological Commitment Network Bpifrance and Coq Vert

Our work has been recognized by Bpifrance as part of its Coq Vert network for its concept in sustainable development. This recognition highlights the company's commitment to offering environmentally-friendly solutions in line with the challenges of energy transition.

Lire la suite

By being recognized by the Coq Vert network, the brand benefits from reinforced support from Bpifrance, not only in terms of financing, but also in terms of strategic support to accelerate its development and deployment on a larger scale.


Luminescent paint
with unlimited benefits
  • Captures light during the day and gives it back after the sunset
  • Improves visibility at singular points in the darkness
  • Improves orientation for users and autonomous vehicles
  • Quick and easy to install by any applicator
  • Eco-sustainable technology with no electricity consumption
  • Made in France production.

Even more benefits...

Application de peinture routière à la machine airless

Easy application and maintenance

  • Ready-to-use products: Our range of products is designed to be easy to apply, i.e. it can be applied simply using conventional outdoor painting techniques. The properties of photoluminescent products ensure even, long-lasting application, even on difficult surfaces.
  • Ease of application: Our photoluminescent product can be applied directly to concrete, asphalt, and adheres well to this surface, ensuring an even, long-lasting application. This reduces the need for frequent repainting of curbs, which is economically advantageous.
  • Photoluminescence longevity: One of LuminoKrom®'s key features is its ability to absorb light during the day and release it after the sunset. This property remains effective for many years, making it a durable solution for luminous beaconing.


Durable, reliable beaconing solution

  • Weather-resistant: Our products are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as rain, snow and UV rays. This ensures that markings remain visible and effective for a long time, even on concrete surfaces exposed to extreme conditions.
  • Wear resistance: Often used on surfaces exposed to heavy traffic, products are designed to resist wear caused by traffic. Their composition maintains the paint's integrity even after prolonged use.
  • Ecological and safe: In addition to its physical durability, glow paint is also designed to be environmentally friendly. Formulations are free of hazardous substances, minimizing environmental impact while offering a safe solution for users.


Peinture marquage routier

A request or a project? Contact us now!

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