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OliKrom presents the LuminoKrom luminescent road innovation developed in partnership with the Eiffage group


Raphaëlle Duchemin
By Raphaëlle Duchemin


At 1 p.m., in “La France bouge”, Raphaëlle Duchemin and the editorial staff of Europe 1 tour France with positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health ... they work across the country to move the lines and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities who are committed and invent the world of tomorrow? Inspirational portraits and testimonies.

Find the testimony of - Jean-François Létard, CEO of OliKrom (Luminescent road project)


The innovation of this photoluminescent road paint

LuminoKrom® photoluminescent road paint was developed by the company OliKrom located in Pessac (33), France. LuminoKrom® luminous paint harnesses renewable energy from solar radiation. It captures light during the day and lights up at night without any consumption of electricity or CO2 emissions.

This patented innovation was developed within the R&D department of OliKrom. Four years were needed to obtain a paint conforming to professional use with optimal luminous performance (in intensity and duration) to ensure visibility throughout the night (+10 hours).

In 2018, LuminoKrom® photoluminescent paint was successfully applied on a cycle path. In 2019, this innovation in the field of road infrastructure was labeled by the Comité d’Innovation Routes et Rues and in 2020, the luminescent LuminoKrom® marking was nominated for the Prix Innovation de la Sécurité Routière.

LuminoKrom® photoluminescent markings are now widely deployed in France to secure cycling facilities and pedestrian paths. In 2020, LuminoKrom® markings began to seduce beyond our borders, notably with the first projects in Belgium.


A testes, patended application

The use of LuminoKrom® has been tested and validated by numerous applicators, such as the teams of the Eiffage Group, AER, Proximark, Hélios Atlantique, Moliner Sud Signalisation, La Signalisation Routière, Alinea Signalisation, Aximum, etc. This photoluminescent marking can be easily removed identically to road paint with an airless machine. The service life is estimated at more than 3 years. We already have projects carried out for more than 2 years. technical checks are carried out every month on a control track, laid 30 months ago. All of these analyzes validate the robustness of LuminoKrom® with excellent aging and maintenance of properties over time (adhesion, colorimetry, luminescence, etc.).