[France Bleu] Landes: photoluminescent road paint tested at Saint-Pandelon
A first in France in terms of road safety. Photoluminescent paint was applied on Wednesday October 13 to a section of the RD29, in the commune of Saint-Pandelon, south of Dax. The paint captures daylight and emits it at night.
It's a major first in France. Starting this Wednesday, October 13, an innovative signage system is being tested on a 450-meter section of the RD 29 in Saint-Pandelon, a town five kilometers south of Dax. By day, you may not notice the difference: the white stripes are tinted a light almond green. At night, the marking becomes fluorescent. This photoluminescent paint stores light from the sun or car headlights and emits it again at night. "This experiment concerns only the edges of the carriageway", explains Fabrice Le Grall, head of the department's road management and operation service.
[caption id="attachment_10994" align="aligncenter" width="800"]https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/transports/landes-de-la-peinture-luminescente-sur-une-route-une-grande-premiere-en-france-1634202929