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LuminoKrom®, an innovation for regional development

Last month, the Nancy Metropolitan Council announced that it had invested in our LuminoKrom® phosphorescent paint to mark out the paths along the riverbanks.

As part of its cycling policy, and in order to improve conditions for cyclists, the Nancy Metropolitan Council is currently experimenting with new photoluminescent ground signs between rue des Tiercelins and boulevard Charles III, along the canal in Nancy. The aim is to enable cyclists to easily follow cycle routes in poorly lit areas.

Our glow-in-the-dark paint can be used to mark side strips and channel edges. The marking can glow for up to 10 hours at night.


Piste cyclable luminescente Nancy


What is phosphorescent paint?

Phosphorescent paint is paint containing pigments capable of absorbing light (natural or artificial) and gradually releasing it in the dark or at night. This property is based on the phenomenon of phosphorescence, which enables materials to store light energy and re-emit it in the form of visible light once the excitation source has been switched off.

Our luminescent paint is designed and produced by the French company OliKrom and is currently being tested for road applications. If successful, the experiment could be extended to roads throughout the Nancy urban area, as well as across France, where lanes and cycle paths are insufficiently lit.

Want to know more about Mayor.eu?
Find out all about our glow-in-the-dark bike paths!