Laval Agglomeration, photoluminescent cycling path with LuminoKrom®
Luminescent marking in Laval Agglomeration to secure night trips
A project to make night-time travel safer
In April 2021, Laval Agglomération undertook a project to improve safety for cyclists on a track located in the commune of Louverné, near the A81 freeway exit.
To achieve this, LuminoKrom® photoluminescent paint was applied, including intersection markings and pictograms. The work was carried out by Traçage Service, a company specializing in road signage.
The benefits of LuminoKrom®: an innovative, environmentally-friendly solution
LuminoKrom® photoluminescent paint charges with natural or artificial light during the day and gives it back at night, offering visibility for up to 10 hours in the dark with no electricity consumption or CO₂ emissions.
Our innovative technology improves user safety by providing luminous guidance in unlit areas, while protecting the environment by reducing light pollution. What's more, it's quick and easy to apply, comparable to conventional road paint, making it an economical and sustainable solution for local authorities wishing to secure their infrastructures responsibly.
Luminescent marking - Site information
Client: Laval Agglomeration (53)
Type of project: Application of LuminoKrom paint to secure a cycle path with marking of intersections and pictograms
Location: Municipality of Louverné, next to the exit of the A81 motorway
Applicator: Tracing Service
Date of realization of the LuminoKrom® marking: April 2021